
Acurite 5 in 1 weathersnoop
Acurite 5 in 1 weathersnoop

acurite 5 in 1 weathersnoop acurite 5 in 1 weathersnoop

AcuRite, 5-in-1 01000 Series Ambient Weather, WS-1000 Series Ambient Weather WS-2000 Series BloomSky, SKY1.

acurite 5 in 1 weathersnoop

Nov 12 06:52:38 weather weewx: **** Exiting. Weathercloud compatible devices and software. Nov 4 19 : 20 : 56 weather weewx : interceptor : MainThread : raw packet : Nov 4 19 : 20 : 56 weather weewx : interceptor : MainThread : ignored parameter dailyrainin = 0.55 Nov 4 19 : 20 : 56 weather weewx : interceptor : MainThread : raw data : dateutc = now & action = updateraw & realtime = 1 & id = 24C86E06B15C & mt = 5N1x31 & sensor = 00002179 & windspeedmph = 1 & winddir = 0 & rainin = 0.00 & dailyrainin = 0.55 & humidity = 50 & tempf = 62.2 & dewptf = 43 & windspeedmph = 1 & winddir = 0 & rainin = 0.00 & dailyrainin = 0.55 & humidity = 50 & tempf = 62.2 & dewptf = 43 & humidity = 50 & tempf = 62.2 & dewptf = 43 & baromin = 29.35 & battery = normal & rssi = 3 Separate the upper and lower halves of the sensor. Note: Be careful not to remove or adjust the rain calibration screws located beneath the rain gauge. Nov 4 19 : 20 : 56 weather weewx : interceptor : ServerThread : POST : dateutc = now & action = updateraw & realtime = 1 & id = 24C86E06B15C & mt = 5N1x31 & sensor = 00002179 & windspeedmph = 1 & winddir = 0 & rainin = 0.00 & dailyrainin = 0.55 & humidity = 50 & tempf = 62.2 & dewptf = 43 & windspeedmph = 1 & winddir = 0 & rainin = 0.00 & dailyrainin = 0.55 & humidity = 50 & tempf = 62.2 & dewptf = 43 & humidity = 50 & tempf = 62.2 & dewptf = 43 & baromin = 29.35 & battery = normal & rssi = 3 Philips-head screwdriver AcuRite Iris (5-in-1) Outdoor Sensor Remove the four outer screws on the bottom of the sensor.

Acurite 5 in 1 weathersnoop