“I came back to Earth and went to Little Homeworld, where I asked some of the Gems about just what a mother is and what they do. But then I found myself wondering just what happened when your Rose Quartz turned into you. And I knew that was probably very hard for you, since I looked like someone you used to be. That I was likely the Rose Quartz she based her appearance on. that I look nearly identical to your mother. I’ve been talking to some Gems that were present in late Era One and early Era Two,” Rose explained. “So, what’s the story?” Steven asked, looking up at the Rose Quartz. “Thank you, Steven.” She put a hand on Steven’s thigh, and Steven tried his best not to flinch. The Rose Quartz sat down beside him with a sad smile. He walked over to the couch and sat down, patting the spot beside him. Steven took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down, and he nodded. “Steven, I-“ the Rose Quartz stepped forward, a sad, longing look on her face. “I thought you- you were on the cruise ship-!! What are you doing here?!” He didn’t mean to exclaim his question like that, but seeing her was still incredibly jarring, especially given that now it was just her rather than the trio. “Woah, woah, what-?!” Steven exclaimed, startled. Steven looked in that direction, and when the light dissipated, much to his shock, the Rose Quartz from the Human Zoo that looked identital to his mother was standing there.

Steven was about to set off for Little Homeworld when suddenly, the Warp sprung to life, a beam of light radiating from it to signal the arrival of a Gem. Sure, he was nurse for the Gems, and he helped everyone out from time to time, but he still really hadn’t found a place to call his own. Pearl was an instructor in technology, Garnet was an instruction in self-love and meditation, Amethyst was running the Gem job assistance program, Peridot was running the garden center, Lapis was running the morp classes, and Bismuth was running the forge, but Steven still really hadn’t found his place. He was still trying to find his role in all of. There were Gems to teach, Gems to heal, buildings to be improved, and all of that good stuff. It was another day of living with the Little Homeworld Gems.