Navy to set the baseline for the plank scale. The remainder of the scales were set using an even distribution of observed Soldier performance. Similarly, the minimum passing score (60 points) for the MDL, SPT, HRP, and SDC was set at the 5th percentile. The maximum (100 points) was set at the 96th percentile of performance within each age group and for each event. The new age and gender performance-normed scoring scales were developed using the data from the nearly 630,000 ACFT scores, historic performance rates from the APFT, and scoring scales from other branches of the U.S. Instead, the plank was determined to provide a similar testing experience and more accurately assess core strength for all Soldiers. The new scoring standards were developed from historic performance rates and more accurately assess individual physical fitness goals reflective of age and gender categories.The leg tuck was removed after RAND concluded the exercise did not correctly measure core strength in all Soldiers. In addition, the Army will establish an ACFT governance body to continue to assess testing data and provide a comprehensive analysis, with any recommended future modifications to the ACFT, in April 2023. Additional changes include the plank as the sole core-strength event and the addition of the 2.5-mile walk as an alternate aerobic event. The test now includes performance-normed scoring standards, scaled to age and gender. They also said that COVID-19 restrictions have also had an impact, making it harder for soldiers to get to gyms, particularly for Army National Guard and Reserve troops.The Army will implement a revised ACFT, starting on April 1, 2022, that will include several differences based on 630,000 sample ACFT test scores, the RAND independent assessment and feedback from Soldiers. They noted that far fewer female soldiers have taken it, and that many troops who have taken it simply haven’t submitted their scores in the official record system. Right now, however, Army leaders are still trying to gather scores from soldiers taking the new test. And over time, he said, the difference between the men’s scores and the women’s scores will also get smaller. He said that as more soldiers do the new test and get used to it, they will get better at it and the minimum or maximum scores may be adjusted. For example, older soldiers didn’t have to do the run as quickly as younger soldiers did to get the same score. On that test, soldiers got graded differently on the three exercises based on their age and gender. He added that the new test is more gender- and age-neutral than the old test of situps, pushups and the run. Now soldiers will be able to choose to hold a plank position for about two minutes, which also requires core strength. So, the Army agreed to offer an alternative.

Michael Grinston acknowledged that the data showed that female soldiers were particularly struggling with the exercise. “As you look at those service members who have been in the Army, especially fifteen, twenty years and have never been asked to build the upper body strength necessary to do a pull up or do a leg tuck, it gets significantly harder as they get older to build that strength,” said Hibbard, commander of the Army’s Center for Initial Military Training.Īrmy Sgt. The leg tuck, said Hibbard, was the “number one failed event for both men and women,” as well as for older soldiers. And it quickly became clear that the leg tuck was a problem. As they started to roll out the new test, they knew that adjustments would have to be made.